research paper

Culture, Heritage and Base Time of Tourism in Inca Huasi: Place of Rituals, Caranqui, Ibarra, Ecuador

Jess Aranguren Carrera; Gonalo Xavier Checa Ramre

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The Ibarra Canton has archaeological remains in the parishes of Caranqui, Sagrario and San Antonio, which have not been given due importance. The Inca Huasi are archaeological remains, symbol of the Caranqui people and testimony of ethnic group, and it can be observed by visitors in the development of a cultural tourism. The research proposes an archaeological touristic product of the Inca culture - Caranqui, Parroquia Caranqui, Cantón Ibarra. The investigation consisted of a mixed approach with descriptive and documentary data analysis. It consisted of 4 phases: 1) archaeological tourist attractions of the Inca culture -Caranqui 2) assessment of the tourist potential of the archaeological attractions of the Inca culture - Caranqui 3) prole of the potential visitors to the Inca Huasi and 4) proposal of a tourist product. The results showed that there is a lack of information on the part of residents and visitors about the Caranqui culture and its archaeological sites, despite being the most important Inca settlement in the far north of Ecuador and having an architectural complex such as the swimming pool ritual baths, called Inca Huasi. According to the interviewees, the productive activity of the parish can be enhanced with the development of tourism in the area, from its archaeological ruins. The tourist product “culture, heritage and time base of tourism in Inca Huasi: place of rituals” is proposed, which promotes the visit to the Inca Huasi archaeological site, promoting the arrival of visitors and with it the revitalization of the economy of the sector.


Tourism product, archaeological cultural tourism, Caranqui, Inca Huassi


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