research paper

Administrative Processes of the District Units: Supporting Educational Inclusion in Tourism in Zone 1 of Ecuador

Rossana Estefanta Rosales Méndez; Miguel Naranjo Toro; Luis Clemente Calderón Ayala; Rosa Elena Rodríguez Trejo; Bolívar Hernán Cadena Ruano

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This article constitutes one of the products obtained from a research carried out in 2015 on the administrative processes of support for Educational Inclusion that is run by the Ministry of Education of Zone 1 of the Ecuadorian territory, whose beneficiaries are children with special cognitive abilities. Survey and interview were used as techniques and instruments as part of the scientific methods in applied Social Sciences. Data was analyzed from a theoretical framework and heuristic capacity perspective. The results reveal the lack of knowledge by employees on a hierarchical level (top, middle and lower level) about the objectives and activities of the institutional Strategic Development Plan. As part of the research, recommendations will be provided as possible technical solutions for each identified problem. These findings have been proposed to improve the process and articulation of the Plan and employees’ updates.


Administrative processes; District Units; Educational Inclusion in Tourism, Ecuador.


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